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Completed Video: Grace Home

Today we are thrilled to share with you the completed video from the final destination of our travels, Bangalore, India. Grace Home is not really a home for HIV-affected girls in the traditional understanding of “home” so much as it is a family. That’s all because of how it began. One family saw a need in their community to help house, clothe, educate and feed girls whose parents weren’t able to do those things because of their illness. It was a commitment that endured the devastation of sudden death, financial uncertainty and social stigma. To me, what makes their story so compelling is the fact that this is simply a family making their lives about the things that Jesus cares about. This is not a western organization that has stumbled upon the needy across the world and started a cause, it’s just the church of Christ being the church of Christ wherever she is. When I see how open their home has been and how much restoration has been done in the lives of the girls who live there, I am seriously challenged to embrace that same lifestyle in my own culture. When I interact with the girls and see their brightness and beauty and originality, and when I hear their dreams for their futures, I am cautioned never to dismiss those who society prefers to ignore. It’s pretty amazing how the presence of basic human needs, a nurturing environment and loving relationships play a huge role in shaping who we’ll become as humans, and this story motivates me to work toward making those things available to everyone.

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Thank you to those who have supported our journey and allowed videos like this to be made so that families like this can continue to be impactful. We are so grateful for how our travels have taught us and changed us. And for those wondering, we are excitedly beginning to arrange the main film spanning all of the countries we visited! As we listen to the interviews and review the footage, our hearts beat fast to get to work with so much beauty and goodness. So thank you! Thank you for this opportunity to soak in the lives of God’s beloved. We can’t wait to share their gift with you. †

Grace Home - Bangalore, India (5:56)

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We are Derrick and Christy Collins, the parents of two sons, River and August. We thrive off of partnering with people to create things that are meaningful to them and life-giving to all. Our desire with Wild Bridge Travels is toimmerse ourselves in four
Christian communities of a particular country and

culture very different from our own for two months each. We hope in some small way to join Christ’s work of building bridges among his people by creating a film showcasing a handful of honest, inspiring human

portraits. The film is currently in the post-production stage.

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