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Destination 3/4 - Mexico City, Mexico

Beginning later this month, we plan to travel to four different countries across the globe, spending two months in each place as we seek to witness and participate in the Kingdom of God that is breaking into our world through the lives of Christians. In each place, we are accessing the local, native church community through friends who have been living and working in those areas for several years. Our third of four destinations is Mexico City, home of Conexión Mosaico (Mosaic Connection.)

Conexión Mosaico is made up of dedicated individuals and families who desire to work in partnership to seek individual and community change, and functions as an umbrella for three legally incorporated entities:

1. Comunidades de Shalom (holistic church planting) 2. Transformación Urbana Internacional (research, community development, and advocacy) 3. InKrea (economic and business development)

These three entities have one shared objective: city transformation and expansion of God's kingdom of shalom.

We will be staying with our friends Jean Luc and Shabrae, who have been at work in Mexico for over a decade. I first heard about their work from Shabrae's brother Jay, and was immediately intrigued when he referenced what they are doing to matching many of the ideas and insights found in When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor... and Yourself by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert. This book really struck me when I first read it in 2012.

For a few years now, various volunteers have captured footage of the work being done by Conexión Mosaico, and there are scripts prepared for creating several videos that can be used for training purposes. We will be shooting new footage as well as culling what already exists in order to help form these videos into a tool that can be used to take the methods they have been developing to other cities. We're really excited about what they are doing and are inspired by their vision for solving problems of urban poverty. We can't wait to learn from them!

We invite you to learn more about Conexión Mosaico. † Destination 1/4 - Nairobi, Kenya

Destination 3/4 - Mexico City, Mexico

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We are Derrick and Christy Collins, the parents of two sons, River and August. We thrive off of partnering with people to create things that are meaningful to them and life-giving to all. Our desire with Wild Bridge Travels is toimmerse ourselves in four
Christian communities of a particular country and

culture very different from our own for two months each. We hope in some small way to join Christ’s work of building bridges among his people by creating a film showcasing a handful of honest, inspiring human

portraits. The film is currently in the post-production stage.

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